Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

In order to properly carry out my GAME Plan, I decided to analyze each of my goals separately and determine what resources and information I will need to be successful. My first goal is to develop more personalized learning activities to address the needs and interests of various types of learners. My immediate thought is that I will need more time. There never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish all that needs to be done, and while I cannot magically create more time, I can work to utilize the time allotted for my department meetings to help accomplish this goal. Going along with this, I will also need the feedback and input of my colleagues. Working together, I know we can achieve success in developing more diverse learning activities. Finally, I will utilize books that my colleagues and I have which focus on differentiation. I will also use the internet to research lessons and ideas. So far, I have discussed this goal with my grade level department team. They are enthusiastic about it as well, and to me, that is a very positive first step. This year, our major goal was to create common assessments for each unit. We have accomplished that goal and are now looking to diversify our learning activities for next year.

My second goal is to use technology more effectively to communicate with parents and students next school year. The resources I will need are similar to those necessary for my first goal. I will need the support of my colleagues, as I would like for this to be something our team works on together. I am very excited about the possibility of creating a team website. I have not yet had the opportunity to discuss this at length with my team for next year, however, because I will be on a new team next year and we have not met together yet. Additionally, I will need to find the best possible website to host our team website. I have begun to do some research and have ideas, but am not quite sure what would work best. One thing I have considered is a wiki, but I would like to garner feedback from others who have experience with a team or classroom website to see which ones seem to work best. Finally, I will need time to work with my team on creating this website. We have already scheduled a professional development work day for the week after school lets out to accomplish this and other goals we have. Overall, I am excited about both of my goals and feel that they are realistic. I am looking forward to following through with them and watching things come together throughout the next school year.


  1. Time to do what we want to do is a tough situation to deal with. Good education takes time, and like you said time is limited in the classroom. One thing I have really been working at this year has to do with managing time, as well as improving my instruction. I was reminded that a young child's attention span is about equivalent (in terms of minutes) by their age in years. I can tend to be long winded, but for my students' sake I am making a better effort to make my point in a strong way and then go on. When I have been able to do this I have benefitted as well. I have found that it frees up more time for my students and I to do the other things that we often never got to do.

  2. Andrea:

    Having a strong collaborative team is very useful. It not only helps divide up the work load, but more importantly it helps each of us talk out load ideas or changes we have in mind for our class rooms. You have a lot of good ideas you are trying to impement. I too, have changes I want to implement for next year. I will spend time this summer trying to finish those changes before next fall.

  3. Andrea: Have you thought about approaching your administration as a team and asking for some release time to be used to collaborate on teaching strategies and ideas? I would imagine, if at all possible, that your administration would be at the very least supportive and do all they can to find time during the day for you all to meet. Maybe instead of assigning lunch duties, your team could be assigned a meeting time during the day? Worth asking, don't you think?

  4. I actually just spoke with our principal last week about the possibility of getting release time to work on some of the things I discussed. He is working to allow us to have a half-day to devote to creating a team website. We also have signed up for a full day professional development session which our team can use to work on this.
